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Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology is a revolutionary product designed to aid in the treatment and healing of various sports injuries, as well as improve physical performance.

Kinesiology tape can be worn for several days and remain intact as it is air permeable and water-resistant. Standard athletic tape can be restrictive while kinesiology taping can be therapeutically effective and useful following injury and rehabilitation.

Dr. Kenzo Kase who is the founder of the kinesiology taping method, proposed the following mechanisms for the effects of kinesiology tape:  


  1. Altered muscle function by the tape's effects on weakened muscles

  2. Improved circulation of blood and lymph by eliminating tissue fluid or bleeding beneath the skin

  3. Decreased pain through neurological suppression, and 

  4. Repositioning of subluxed joints by relieving abnormal muscle tension, and helping to affect the function of fascia and muscle.



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